After the i-connect, i really feel so happy cos till now, almost everyday my music team members will still go online to msn each other, we talk and talk and talk but we still have many things to share. This is my 1st time seeing students get together so well. Thank God for this special team. so, Xi Mei,Xi Qi,Xi Qing,Xi Di, Xi Shua, Xi Kwa & Xi Ping, i really hope we can go on sharing what we face daily and keep everyone in our prayer too. Jia You ya!
Pray for me as i have to start planning for UTM Juniors programs. Pray that God give me wisdom to reach out to the new and portentous leaders in UTM. Let me know your payer iterms too so that i can always pray for you and your minstry or your family or even your own. You are all special to me, not only my team members but everyone of you who read this blog. or SMS me if urgent.
I'll be going to PD for our nation staff retreat, hope that can get online to share with you all again soon. Take care.