I am going to introduce you a handsome baby
Joel Choh
He was born on 18th March
He is my anak angkat Joab's brother
When I went to his house
i told him that I'm going to take his photo
then these are the result:
mummy said must smile nicely so
i cannot open my mouth to smile la
he is very smart leh
he only 3+ but look, he knows how to carry me oh
oh ya, see the car my koko taking?
That's the present i gave him tru aunt Callie
she said i must give koko a present then
koko will love me more and will not bully me lo
is that true ah?
i also don't know la
but anyway he is my koko ma
and also i don't hv to pay any money
cause aunt help me paid for it edi
haha...thanks aunt Callie
will you also take me as your khai zai?